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Shire Valley Transformation Programme Progress Update

3 years ago
Shire Valley Transformation Project Main Canal-Progress

The Government of Malawi (GoM) through the Ministry of Agriculture with support from the World Bank, the African Development Bank and the Global Environment Facility (GEF) is implementing the Shire Valley Transformation Programme (SVTP). The programme is expected to increase agricultural productivity and commercialization for targeted households in the Shire Valley; and to improve the sustainable management and utilization of natural resources.

As planned, the SVTP will be implemented in three sequential but partially overlapping phases. Implementation of the progamme commenced in 2018 and is expected to finish in 2031.

The first phase of the project which is covering 52 kilometers (km) from the intake at Kapichira Dam to Lengwe in Chikwawa district will be completed by December 2023. The construction works under this phase are being carried out by Conduril Egenharia (intake and first 6km) and Sinohdro (46 km) companies.

Just like any other project is prone to challenges, SVTP this year, 2022, faced one serious challenge emanating from Natural disaster. Early this year, Malawi experienced Tropical storm Ana that affected many people and damaged infrastructure across Malawi including the construction works at Kapichira dam on Shire river where the intake for SVTP was being developed.


Despite the damage caused, the constructor (Conduril) is still working on the main canal and associated structures on the first 6km stretch.


Among others, 4.09km of the canal has been paved, 3 bridges and a flume are completed, three siphons are under construction and the intake structure which was recently affected by Cyclone Ana is being redesigned. Works have also commenced on the 46kms stretch where 36kms have been cleared and over 7kms has been excavated. Strides have also been made in securing land for smallholder farmers where 20,732 hectares has been secured for 48,175 land owners.